Thursday 20 April 2017




NASA delivered their sucker punch--on Dec 3rd 0030 hrs!.

we need to move from Classical science to Quantum science when we deal with DNA!!


Arsenic and Phosphorus are just adjacent keys on the musical keyboard of life --

Arsenic and phosphorus are also chemically analagous — arsenic is directly below phosphorus on Mendeleeyev’s periodic table, and the elements have the same number of electrons in their outer shells, which makes them behave similarly. 

So swapping arsenic for phosphorus is no big deal, even it NASA's great discovery is true. Mendeleyeev based his table on Panini’s Sanskrit alphabets. 

And in any case demented DNA mutations of bacteria in a ANAEROBIC , oxygen deprived, dying ( but once vibrant fresh water ) saline lake is on expected lines.  Can this bacteria grow? --let us not talk about survival .

Transfer the same morbid microbes into the living ionised Ganges water and see the magic!.

Are we not aware of free radicals? We must remind ourselves that this lake which has one of the highest concentrations of Arsenic on the planet is also highly ALKALINE. Alkaline water give away anti-oxidants.
DNA can fall in from the sky--as a mysterious orange goo or red rain .  I have examined this strange orange goo. 
Read my post about this star dust in google search by punching in NIBURU, PLANET X, MARTHANDA -VADAKAYIL

Tvasta , the double helix coiled serpents which cannot be destroyed- is mentioned in Rig Veda of 5000 BC , ( DNA ) as that which gives rise to all life in living creatures. 

Digression:  When Alexander the Great came to India in 326BC--he got beaten back by a minor Indian king by the name of Porus ( Purushottam ) who had just 85 elephants. The next king over the border Chandra Gupta Maurya had 9000 war-elephants, and hordes of  fierce Tibetan Mastiff dogs--- and was getting ready to eat up Alexander and his motley army for breakfast -- forcing Alexander's army to chicken out --nay -- fall "homesick" and  revolt .  

This king Chandragupta Maurya had his own personal bodyguard battalion of hand picked beautiful young women called Vishakanyas ( poison-maidens ) who were resistant to Arsenic-- as they had been fed small doses , since they were born.   You make love to such a woman -- and you die! 


The protein scientists must realise that DNA stores information in a blue print , and is also a transceiver for communications, via wormholes in ZPF . DNA code and its information database has taken eons to build. 

Ever seen the double slit quantum experiment, where human consciousness is factored in? All the ancient languages like Sanskrit came from DNA. This is why a Mantra using spoken words of correct frequency, can reprogram DNA gone awry. You just cant substitute OM with AMEN and hope magic will happen.( or read the mirror image of OM and call 786 powerful ). A language like Sanskrit and its script evolved from a 12 strand DNA of seers , before 4000 BC.

The human body atoms constitute  63% Hydrogen and 24% oxygen , since we are mostly water. And since we are organic Carbon occupies 12%.  Phosphorus is just a measly 0.1%. Phosphorus aids in transmission of nerve pulses and of course bones have 50% phosphate. Some people who regularly eat RED TIDE poisoned shell fish have plenty of "non-harmful" forms of Arsenic in their body--and testing urine can give a false alarm--this is why hair is tested for Arsenic.

Classical science, has yet to discover the full spectrum of DNA imprinting function or the direct connection between DNA and consciousness.

On Dec 21 2012, when the sun is at the bindu of the Sri Yantra ( cosmic womb ) , aligned with the galactic equator , we will understand this intelligent force residing inside the DNA-

- two more years to go!-- there,  i have said it!!..   

( 25TH JULY 2001 TO SEPT 23RD 2001.)

After Dec 21st 2012, a lot of humans on this planet  will shift to the wisdom mode rather than the knowledge mode, due to preprogramming of his DNA by star dust. These people will have lesser junk DNA. Wisdom determines how knowledge will be used. Science will happily accept consciousness. Darwin and Newton will be consigned to the dustbin and man will understand the powers of his mind, as told in the Vedas written in 5000 BC.  The internet of global consciousness will give DARSHAN of space-time continuum..

The great Indian planetary Yuga of 25765 years due to the precession wobble , ends here --  The cross between the equinoxial and the ecliptic will very soon go from Pisces to Aquarius.

To find out what is Sri Yantra , please punch in "SRI YANTRA 108 AND THEORY OF EVERYTHING" in google search.   The Sri Yantra appeared as a crop circle in 1970 on a wet mud lake at Idaho USA, and was photographed by a US air force plane--13.3 miles long.

Also be surprised to read about Sri Yantra in " SECRETS OF EGYPTIAN PYRAMIDS REVEALED , VADAKAYIL". When the pyramids were build with water inside the tunnels beneath, the apex would emit a blue plasma glow which could be seen hundreds of miles away.

This Kirlian photograph ( used for recording auras ) is for sceptics-- see the scalar vortex energy spiral out from the apex of pyramids. Does it not resemble a DNA helix?

Nikola Tesla was known to see blinding flashes of the ABOVE CROP CIRCLE --the geometrical 6000 year old Indian sacred symbol Sri Yantra.  

Its triangle holds the same angle as the Pyramids of Egypt 51 deg 49 min 38.25 sec. and the golden constant of 1.618033989 ( relation ship between Pi and ratio of hypotenuse to half base Phi. )

Consciousness is a form of electromagnetic energy! 

By Dec 21st 2012, this planet should be able to figure out how quantum consciousness connects worker ants to the queen ant. And how the queen bee's blueprint of quantum entanglement goes off line if you suddenly squash her to death.  Entanglement is the bizzare quantum process where a single wave function describes different objects.

More interesting would be the quantum solution to "waggle dance of the bees " in the Akashik ZPF field. ( Singapore has NO bees to pollinate because the mobile phone towers upset the dance! )

Cells and DNA communicate through frequencies.  DNA holds the memory of our perfect forms.

In the last 30 years, superior humans have been born on earth— with figure of 8 loop , 12 strand DNA ( like the mobius coil ) which can biologically generate and emit SCALAR waves, also known as Reiki waves, which travel faster than light through any medium without losing strength.

The primary function of our DNA is not protein synthesis, as biologists will tell you , but the reception and transfer of electromagnetic energy

Life is fundamentally electromagnetic than biochemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a bio-hologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form

Our DNA is capable of producing and receiving sound (phonons) and light (photons) The DNA is a kind of a lens which can attract electromagnetic energy into itself. 

Every biochemical reaction is preceded by an electromagnetic signal.

DNA can be influenced by acoustic, electromagnetic and SCALAR WAVES. In the quantum holographic DNA-wave bio-computer theory, DNA is a self-calibrating antenna working by phase conjugate ( scalar waves and phase conjugation) adaptive resonance capable of both receiving and transmitting quantum holographic information stored in the form of diffraction patterns-quantum holograms.   

Chromosomes that are damaged by X-rays, for instance, can be repaired by simply applying vibration and language, or sound combined with intention, or words, to DNA!

DNA is the stablest chemical in the body, and thanks to its stability each of us is able to inherit genetic traits from our parents— blue eyes, curly eyes, facial patterns etc— and preserve them intact to pass on to our children. 

On chemical tankers carrying PBT ( persistentbio-accumulative/ toxic ) chemicals , i command-- it is a struggle to preserve our DNA from damage and dementia.  Ever noticed what Agent Orange did to the Vietnamese ?

Our DNA has remembered all the things that ever happened to human beings. 

DNA is the source for all the proteins that repair cells , build new ones, replace missing or defective pieces of the genetic code , heal cuts and bruises and so forth. 

All cells in your body whether it is a hair follicle of neuron of cell , grew from one double strand of DNA at the moment of conception.  Cells themselves have the ability to perfectly reprogram their own DNA when the external environment demands it.

Everything you do, think, speak, run , play guitar or rule a country depends on a capacity programmed into one original molecule.   

Each cell of the body contains all of DNA’s infinite possibilities all of the time, from the moment of conception till death.  

DNA can send and receive powerful data through a universal network of ether..

The brain and the DNA are transducers for quantum information from the zero point field. They function as gel like liquid crystals ( antennae for transmitting / receiving infomation ), emittimg weak laser like light, convertible to an electro-acoustic signal.  

Mobuis supercoil DNA can generate scalar waves. Negative emotions affect DNA signalling.  The bridge connecting the galactic resonances which rain down on our planet and brain frequencies reside in our DNA helix.  28 years back when i got married, our horoscopes were matched.   DNA structure resonates thus quivering the individual cells. This is the principle of astrology , which is pure mathematics. 

When you meditate you tune your DNA to the subtle quantum level matrix. Energy transfer  to the molecular level powers your metabolic processes. Such is the power of intention - or prayer.

DNA is like the master tuning fork in the body. It would strike a particular frequency and certain other molecules would follow-- the waves are LONGITUDINAL -- rather field like--

DNA—the coiled double helix of genetic coding holds a blue print of the body’s protein and amino acids. Each DNA helix or chromosome –and the identical 26 pairs exist in every one of the thousand million cells of the body.

Energy cannot be destroyed –it can only be transformed. Nothing that was created can ever cease to exist. They can only change. And so we change. We emerge from microscopic interactions of cells and DNA grow to the physical form we know in the world and then shed that form like how a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis to fly home.

Emotions like anger and fear can “compress” DNA,  However, emotions like joy, gratitude and love unwind the the DNA, decompress it!

When properly activated by sound combined with intention, the superconductor that is DNA is designed to re-harmonize the entire bio energy blueprint.  The Cymatics below ( Sri Yantra ) is for the primal mantra OM of 7.83 Hz harmonics. The Sri Yantra was seen by the Vedic sages during their Soma resonated trances 11000 years ago. The Vedic civilisation flourished on the banks of the river Saraswati from 9000BC to 4000BC. In 9500 BC Europe had just come out from the Quaternary ice age cover.

All living things emits a constant tiny current of photons –tiny particles of light. The tiny frequencies are mainly stored and emitted from the DNA of cells. Cancer victims had fewer photons. Photon stream emanates from the hands of Reiki healers. At our most elemental we are energy.  

Water purifiers in our kitchens use UV rays to permanently damage the DNA of disease causing bacteria.

If you can blast a cell with UV light so that 99 % of the cell incl its DNA is destroyed, you can repair the damage in a single day by just illuminating the cell with the same wavelength of a very weak intensity.

There must be some light in the body responsible for photo-repair. A cancerous compound must cause cancer because it permanently blocks this light and scrambles it, so that photo-repair cant work any more. When you allpy ethidium bromide to DNA it causes it to unwind. DNA is capable of sending out a large range of frequencies , linked to certain functions. Once unwound DNA emits more light..

The earth formed 4.3 billion years ago. The first bacteria appeared soon after: 3.8 billion years ago. With them DNA appeared. 

DNA never dies, it merely changes its structure and appearance into a cavalcade of living beings.  When a lake dries up for a couple of years due to drought-- the life is inherent in the lake. As soon as fresh rains come after a few years--see the prolific life burst forth-- have you ever wondered about this intelligent force ? 

 It exists within the DNA.

The image of the human being is contained within the microscopic DNA strands of the fertilised egg in the womb. Consciousness gave the image or blueprint which ultimately manifested itself as a particular form. 

There is a connection between DNA and consciousness . The brain and the DNA are transducers for quantum information from the scalar field. When a DNA strand is placed in a vacuum, the energy emitted by that strand will attract photons which will assume the same shape of the DNA strand, even if the DNA strand is removed later.

Some cells specialize for heart, hair, skin etc.  The DNA strands are replicated in each cell. The mind can direct tiny proteins to read the sophisticated sequence of DNA helix . 

Every cell of your body contains the creative power of the universe. Every DNA has its own melody, as energy and matter is musical in nature.

God resides within your DNA.  A DNA molecule is more sophisticated than any supercomputer on earth, and is the blue print of life .


The water we drink is 3 billion years old. 

Even a small amount of water has enough cluster structures available to absorb whole libraries of information. Ever wondered why you get baptized by water?

The most mysterious and controversial property of water, however, is its ability to hold and store memory. I would not be surprised if in the future Silicon valley is renamed as Water valley. For water can store information about substances that were once in it but that have physically disappeared. Latest generation computer robotic research is investigating water's capacity to order and transmit information, as an improvement to silicon.

Liquid water absorbs radiation of all wavelengths, except a narrow window in the visible (photochemical) waveband. This window is critical for photolysis and directly or indirectly influences the development of all life on Earth.

Water is the universal medium for all biological activity; it dissolves, dilutes, transports, and reacts with every chemical essential for life.

Water registers precise molecular information about the world around it, and that is extremely sensitive to these frequencies coming into it.Water remembers, or stores this information, and that it can transport this into new environments when it travels through various water cycles.

’Living water’ is an organized state of matter and energy, and capable of storing and transmitting information. Water in everything we eat or drink carry with it a subtle informational content that imparts a "memory" into our "water body."  The visual images that we encounter, the sounds that we hear, and our thoughts are encoded into the water of our cells to become a part of our unconscious mind.

Molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. The implications go beyond homeopathy and ’energy medicine" and into the interaction between water and consciousness.

Classical science must stick to the 5 human senses, ( at it can only unravel a miniscule percentage of cosmic phenomena ) .  Anything beyond that , especially if it is microscopic like DNA --belongs to holographic Quantum science.

Once science starts researching immaterial phenomena, it will make more significant progress in a decade, than it did in all previous centuries of its existence.   --  Nikola Tesla  

Each part is a whole and everything springs from the whole-- Swami Vivekananda, the Indian mystic  ( he told this in 1903 , 45 years before the hologram was invented-- when he introduced Tesla to Akasha ( vedic  prana / ether / longitudinal scalar waves/ orgone / zero point field  ).

For the layman: An electron goes round the nucleus in a Hydrogen atom, the same way the earth goes around the sun. What keeps the electron in orbit without losing speed, or --what sustains the orbit speed and distance of the earth? Obviously this perpetual motion feeds off the ZPF field ( Zero Point Field/ Akasha / Ether  )

Quantum physics deals with photons. Memories are NOT encoded in neurons but in patterns of nerve impulses that interconnect in the brain, the same way a hologram contains information in every part of its whole. Photons are luminescent energy. Stars give out photons. EVERY LIVING THING GIVES OUT PHOTONS FROM ITS DNA . ( Cancer patients have fewer photons ) . It is massless and hence its velocity is frequency dependent. Its energy is directly proportional to frequency and inversely proportional to wavelength.Low frequency photons behave like waves and high frequency photons behave like particles. The ZPF teems with photon streams. Photons are exchanged whenever electrically charged sub atomic particles interact. Photons do not have an electric charge and cannot interact with each other. A photon is stable and lives for ever. Our body is a collection of particles, our mind is a collection of waves and our soul is energy. Scalar waves travel faster than speed of light.

The above geometry is the Sri Yantra which holds the elusive THEORY OF EVERYTHING.

The world would have been a better place if Tesla  had got the same funding and moral support --as what NASA gets.

Suggest NASA spend some funds on the following DNA quantum effects, to shed the "classical snake skin" once and for all :-- 

1) Spiralling DNA with laser and watch the photons continue spiralling . DNA light has laser like characteristics. Does DNA create wormholes--a short cut through space time ? Quantum tunneling is used in modern flash memory drives-- sunlight reaches earth too this way.

2) Reprogramming DNA with mantras (  spoken word ) for carrier frequencies . It must be noted that Sanskrit is a divine language where the tonoscope cymatics , form the written letter --or can be visualised by a mystic. Our DNA can be “read” or “rewritten” as a textual (and acoustic!) genetic code

(A divine language originates from the DNA blueprint.  It will be polite, have perfect morphology, no meanings by connotations, will be unambiguous , will NOT have spellings, syntax , proper nouns and silent letters -- and will have vibrations for DNA repair by spoken word mantras.   OM the Hindu king mantra , the sound body of consciousness and sound of light as per ancient Vedas , resonates with planet earth at 7.83 Hz and has been lifted by Schumann . Your own DNA and planet earth resonates joyfully or dances to this mantra . OM is the trigger for quantum tunneling where the wormholes do NOT have a speed of light restriction)

3) How DNA follows the laws of optics/ acoustics.  DNA behaves as a liquid crystal.

4) DNA soliton waves effects.  A soliton wave which travel back and forth along the DNA helix is an ultra stable information carrying quantum wave which exhibits wave particle duality ( surprised ? ). like how a laser reads the DVD.

5) DNA as harmonic oscillator for communications. Exposure to DNA wave information from living seeds encoded on radio waves can energise dead seeds killed by radioactivity.

6) Quantum spiral fractal holographic transducer properties of DNA. Laser light produces holograms when transmitted through DNA. Coherent laser light produces diffraction patterns when transmitted through crystalline structures. A healthy cell and a cancer cell emits vastly different photon light.

7) Is " junk DNA " ( 96% )  irreversible really junk, as declared by "protein scientists" ?   

Or can they be re-activated and upgraded by cosmic rays and star dust raining from meterorites, after Dec 21st 2012.  

Shiva Linga black stone is such a meteorite, raining down from binary star Marthanda ( Mis-shaped and cast away son of "mother of all mothers" Aditi as per Rig Veda  written in 5000 BC)

Will activation of this junk DNA make conscious computers possible with a digital language ( Backus Naur grammar ) like Sanskrit?  If you unravel all the DNA from all cells of our body it would reach to the sun and back 150 times. Self aligning DNA strands can be used as the thinnest fibre optic cables, that use photons instead of electrons.  DNA is a biological internet!

8) Is there a relationship between our atrophied pineal gland ( our dead third eye which gives us paranormal abilities ) and junk DNA.? The ancient Vedic sages did NOT have junk DNA.

People with activated pineal glands having gold auras 528 Hz can do DNA repair. 

Why is DNA research and fund allocations concentrating on Dolly syndromed Biochemistry ? it is all about money spinning patents and vested selfishness ? Is Quantum DNA and double helix scalar wave antenna research only for military purposes to destroy mankind?

Indian warrior saint who taught the Chinese Kung Fu and gave this planet tea,-- Bodhi Dharma had to meditate for 9 years for the raised Kundalini 'mystical' experience and to activate his 12 strands of DNA.   Nikola Tesla was probably an early version of an  Indigo child.  We are all disconnected.  Imagine activating 100% of your 2 strand DNA, PLUS 10 additional strands! We will go from using 5% of your brain to becoming a multi-dimensional being with psychic, telepathic, and manifestation abilities . We can retard the aging process. This was the Original Divine Blueprint, of what man MUST be— with a king sized resonating pineal gland.

DNA is a superconductor that stores light at body temperature, and can create magnetic wormholes in ZPF .. Microtubules and axional membranes are also hollow cylinders.

By the way in India we use a quantum medicine by the name of circumin ( turmeric ) to reprogram our demented DNA.  Circumin is anti-mutagenic and has the  ability to inhibit topoisomerase enzymes that control the changes in DNA structure. 

So Alzheimers is virtually unknown here, where 1 out of 5 human beings on the planet reside. 

In the west 45% of old people over the age of 78 are the " walking dead "-- and their ungrateful children dont care-- for it costs money,  with no early solution in sight .

Quantum medicine understands that our reality is a vibratory reality - from sub nuclear level to atomic, molecular, and macro levels.  Every thing oscillates  between two states of rest.  Everything produces a longitudinal vibration, --  a "sound of music ". 

Can such a small object like DNA ever escape the laws of quantum physics? 1600 years ago the iron pillar of New Delhi was erected. It has never rusted , due to a angstrom thin patina layer of phosphorus. Modern stainless steel used chromium for the thin chromic oxide layer. This armoured steel can carry sulphuric acid. Passivation is thus a quantum process. In 2010 two Russian quantum scientists secured the Nobel prize in Physics for making a super thin carbon layer which can be put into military use for aircrafts.

Bottom lines:  

The whole world knows who is Edgar Cayce ( the modern Nostradamus ) who was a staunch Christian.  

Cayce said in his trance " Man did NOT descend from the monkey-- he evolved time to time, here a little there a little, line upon line and line and line upon line"  . ( read line as DNA strands --to hell with Darwin)

He said in a trance that people must chant " Arree ee oommm " to open up divine influences.  My younger son goes to Chinmaya School in Calicut.  There all children have to greet a teacher in ancient Vedic stye " HARI OM " . OM is the king mantra of Hindus which reprogrammes the DNA, created in 9000 BC.

Cayce also talked about holistic Ayurveda, Akashic ZPF records ( which Swami Vivekanda told to Tesla ) , ESP, Karma , re-incarnation ( DNA stuff ) etc --all Vedic philosophy.  No wonder more than 8000 of 14000 odd his trance readings have been buried by vested interests, who do not like ancient Hindu mumbo-jumbo.






Here is something for Darwin fans to chew on. There is an enzyme in our body called DNA polymerase. It is an accurate enzyme and guardian keeper of our genetic information. It syntheses strands and does DNA repair too. Evolution in life is based on DNA mutations. If cells could reproduce DNA and shield it from damage in a foolproof manner, our planet would be still covered by a thin layer of protocells.  It is the occasional mutation which adds diversity to life. This can cause cancer too, as occasionally a key protein is modified-- if our cells cannot control mutation. To see some fancy pictures punch into google search AGENT ORANGE ,THE BIGGEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY ,VADAKAYIL.

We see incredible order and harmony and pattern which no accident or Darwin type evolution can produce.  The image of the human being is contained within the microscopic DNA strands of the fertilised egg in the womb. Consciousness is the  intelligent force that started the blueprint which ultimately manifested itself as a particular form. 

The brain and DNA are governed by the laws of quantum physics rather than the laws of biology or neurophysiology. Our billions of cells and DNA have memories that influence our behaviour and traits.

Read my post STARDUST , EVOLVED DNA AND DEC 21ST 2012 dated 27th Feb 2012, to follow up----

7000 years ago, the Indian Vedas , and Ayurveda wrote down in Sanskrit the benefits of OM ( the Hindu king mantra ) .The humming of MMMMM boosted the levels of Nitric acid molecules in the blood to do DNA repair and prevent ageing. Modern science still has NO idea of what this resonant trigger and activation of the natural chemical factory in the brain is all about.

Consider this amazing fact.  The ancient Vedic Maharishis as far back as 8000 years old, knew of the degeneration of the Y chromosome of the human DNA.   In India marriage between same gotras ( lineage ) is banned. Honor killings take place in India with a rigid Khap village justice system. 

The Gotra system was designed to track down the root Y Chromosome of a person . The ancient Vedic Rishis had observed the degeneration of the Y Chromosome and they wanted to maintain as many individual healthy unique Y Chromosome lineages as possible. That would give a fair chance for males to continue to exist because Y Chromosomes get passed on over generations with almost negligible change in their genetic combinations, as they do not take part in mix and match with other Chromosome. 

Men have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome while women have two X chromosomes. DNA swapping happens between a pair of chromosomes, and since the Y chromosome doesn't have a pair, it can't swap DNA. So patterns stick around for a long time.

All life on Earth is powered by a process called chemiosmosis, where the chemical adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the rechargeable chemical 'battery' for life, is both broken down and re-formed during respiration to release energy used to drive the reactions of life, or metabolism.

Earthly phosphorus is the key element in ATP, and other fundamental building blocks of life like DNA,  is largely insoluble in water and has a low chemical reactivity.

The complex enzymes ( SAGALA ) required for both the creation and break down of ATP came from black meteorite stones ( Shiva Lingams ) which rained on earth from the sky.  This life seed or DNA containing stone is allegorically called Lord Shiva’s phallus.

DNA can be altered through magnetic fields, heart coherence, Sanskrit mantras, positive mental states and intention.  Genetic determinism is a flawed theory. 

Factors like love and appreciation ( positive quantum nutients ) or anxiety and anger ( negative QN ) also influence a person’s DNA blueprint program. 

When we are stressed or negative, our biological energy reserves are diverted from the important task of regenerating and repairing the body. We can counteract cellular quantum nutrient deprivation by focusing on genuine states of care, gratitude , appreciation and love.


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