Wednesday 2 September 2015


The Return of Christ.
For 2 thousand years people have been pouring over this idea. What’s going to happen? When is it going to happen? What’s it going to look like? Who is the antichrist? Is a man named Jesus physically going to come back, or was that a metaphor for something else? Is it a symbol for humanity awakening?
Here’s my take on the subject . Allow your mind to relax into the future, as we reminisce about the olden days, our incoming future, the next 100 years.
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oildrillingHumanity, being as gifted and arrogant as they were, built many great technologies with which they could do all manner of things. In the end, it was their very technologies that also led to the great collapse of their civilizations. They engineered technology that ran off of the life-blood of the planet, and in doing so put everyone, and everything on the planet in great danger. They didn’t see it until it was too late… and those who did see it, were ignored.
It was their improper use of technology and the greed of those in control that led to a drastic change across the face of the planet. All of the ice melted, all of the snowpacks went away, all of the rivers dried up and heat scorched the planet. Without clean and fresh water to sustain life, many perished in the agony of the blazing heat.
riotsBrothers fought Brothers for food, for water, for whatever rations that were available. Governments rounded people up and housed them inside of containment camps, both for the safety of the people, and the safety of the government. Neither were truly safe.
Great migrations of humans began. People were forced to move to places that could still support life… Many of the systems humans had created were ultimately destroyed, but still many systems prevailed, the Internet did not go away… but it was clear that there must be a major change in our way of life to all of those who lived through the terror.  
communitytogetherIn the end, it was those who lived as communities, as families, growing gardens and supporting each other that were the survivors of this great shift. It was they who, now seeing first hand the destruction mankind could cause, would rebuild civilization with compassion and love, and begin a new generation of mankind based around the unity of all life.
It was with the revelation that it was US who were the antichrist, the ones creating the problems through our lack of connection with each other, that compelled us into a new awareness of love and truth.
It was they who, taking great care, made sure that all life would live together in harmony as one, where all forms of life were known to be sacred, rather than strictly man.
And then we met up with the Aliens and went to see the stars as a great universal family!
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Now, this is just an idea that I have based off of what I see, and doing the math that I currently have done, that tells me that perhaps we must face extinction and see great terrible destruction to truly see, as a species, what we are capable of if we do not take special care of each other every step along the way.
I wish it didn’t have to be that way, but I don’t see any other way it happening. It’s already happening. The planet grows hotter every year, there is less and less snowpack in the mountainsthe ice is melting at a resounding rate. Things are most definitely changing.
christbandwAnd you know, I suppose anythings possible, maybe a man named Christ will show up and help us along the way… But I reckon that its not up to any ONE person for us to all rely on as a species, but the One in All of us that needs to stand up and make a change happen.
If anything, Jesus coming back as a man and not“within” would simply be a role model for all of us to learn compassion and the ways of the One Spirit.
With love,

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