Tuesday 7 April 2015



Listen to above video with head phones--  Rig Veda was written in this language Sanskrit in 5000 BC, when the rest of the world lived in caves, did grunt grunt for communications, and clubbed down animals for raw meat. There has been NIL changes in this language since then-- not even an iota, it is that perfect coming from 12 strand DNA of seers.!

Hinduism is NOT a religion. It is a way of life.  

In the video below-- listen to a Hindu convert JULIA ROBERTS!

This is a religion without fundamentals or lack of compulsions. You cannot get ex-communicated for NOT toeing the line.

The world has realized today, that Shiva Lingam is Lord Shiva's Pineal Gland, not his penis, set inside a vagina,  as ridiculed by immature Vatican. The lingam is a black meteoric stone cylindrical in shape, having inherent DNA and scalar energy, which has to be cooled with water drops from overhead to quench this powerful stone.

This is the only religion which by which you cannot be  branded as a heretic , because there is no standard set of dogmas in Hindu faith , written or unwritten, from which deviation could make you a heretic.
India is the only place on this planet where Jews have never been persecuted. Openness is the essence of Hinduism.

Gratitude is inherent, which makes this religion noble . Example: A Hindu will never ever neglect his aged and vulnerable parents. 

Divorce rate within Hindus is the lowest in the world. The sacred fire serves as a witness to the vows exchanged between the bride and the bridegroom. Fire is the only thing on this planet which cannot be polluted.

A true Hindu will not exploit vulnerability. This is why India has never attacked any other country in the past history, but has been invaded again and again and again.

Hinduism does not allow you to breach a trust. When a Hindu says "thank you", he really means it. When a Hindu greets you with a Namaste, he bows to the greatness in you.

There is great tolerance to other cultures and spiritual paths. The heart of Hinduism is oneness and inclusivity.. The ancient noble Vedic rishis had stressed, there are many paths to the final goal. This is why Hinduism has a multiplicity of Gods and Goddesses. You can chose your own deity. This is why Hinduism abjures all divides and separates. It happily embraces all different paths.

15% of the people on this planet are Hindu. This percentage is increasing not by sops given my missionaries or by force.

Sanatana Dharma ( Hinduism ) evolved in 9500 BC, when the quaternary ice age had most of the West under 1 km of hard ice.   

Sanatana as “eternal moral order” encourages Hindus to seek s and moral truth wherever it might be found, each individual must realize this truth through his or her own systematic effort.  Sanatana means " that which holds eternal Vedic knowledge"-- encompassing everything from microcosm to macrocosm.

Dharma means " righteousness".  Dharma leads to eternal bliss, both in this world and the next. It is your sole and soul companion after death.  Human acts without conscience which creates conflict is called Adharma. Dharma leads you on the path of self realisation. Dharma includes adhara or regulation of daily life as per your conscience and written Vedic laws.

The fundamentals of Dharma as per the Bhagwat Gita are-- respect, truth, grace, restraint, love, non-violence, restraint, lack of jealousy and greed, knowledge of self and austerity.

In 7000 BC Hindu temples existed from Jerusalem to Urals to Vietnam, during the benevolent rule of Aryan Indian king Emperor Vikramaditya.

Hinduism is a spiritual code. Know thyself is the quintessence.

It has no founder or a Supreme head. There is NO supreme middleman like the Pope holding a hot line between you and your god.  Hinduism does NOT care for individual leadership or military type hierarchy like for Catholics.

Nobody can canonize a human into a saint. It can be done only by faith of the masses. An example would be an illiterate fisher woman, Mata Amritananda Mayi who has hugged 33 millions people to centre them and bring peace into their heart and souls.

She speaks the same language as me Malayalam --  Jesus Christ of Jerusalem, King Solomon of Judea, Mohammed the Prophet of Mecca and Buddha spoke this language. 

She can be seen in the video below, a dark woman wearing white! In Kerala the whole Parliament including Communists who get married in Party office, Muslims and Christians got hugged by her. She was born smiling and gurgling with delight, a pitch black baby --NOT like the rest of the world crying and wailing.

Mata Amritanadamayi or Amma was born in extreme poverty, of low caste , 5 hours drive from my hometown Calicut.  Here is a picture of her  ( below )when she was young. Because of 33 million hugs her right cheek is calloused.

It is a movement based on principles or evolved over time code of  Dharma. It is a relentless pursuit of truth, flexible to suit all situations.

It is a faith so unique, that it gives space for every other religion. Hinduism has never claimed to be the only true religion.

A Hindu feels happy as a Hindu to meet people of other faiths, and converse with them, without being burdened by the conviction , that my religion is the best, and i have embarked on the right path, that every one else has missed.

Above the 11000 year old OM ( corrupted by the West as Amen ) is the symbol of Hinduism.  

When you chant OM , the Hindu king mantra, the MMMMMM humming boosts the production of Nitric Oxide in the body. The earths heart beat of 7.83 hertz and the production of Nitric oxide was known to Indians 7000 years ago and documented.

The fundamental mode of Schumann's ( lifted by Schumann ) resonance of 7.83 Hertz is a standing wave in the ionospheric cavity with a wavelength of the circumference of the earth. Alpha brain Frequency of 7.83 HZ on the EEG,  is also known popularly as Schumann’s Resonance. 

Listen to OM ( frequency 7.83 hertz ) in above video, the buzz of a billion transformers.

For thousands of years the Schumann Resonance or pulse (heartbeat) of Earth has been 7.83 cycles per second, recently due to military ELF waves from HAARP , GWEN and Woodpecker,  this resonance has been slowly rising.—reason for Global warming.

Though we use the Bhagawat Gita to swear an oath, as set down by our British rulers in court--we do NOT have a single holy book, like the Bible or Koran. Such has been the tolerance to deviant beliefs.

"When I read the Bhagavad-Gita and reflect about how God created this universe everything else seems so superfluous"- Albert Einstein.

The Bhagavad-Gita ( discourse just before the Mahabharata war in 4000 BC , from Charioteer Lord Krishna to Prince Arjuna ) conveys the essence of Hinduism as follows--

He who hates no single being, is friendly and compassionate, free from self-regard and vanity, patient, contented, fixed on me in heart and mind, is dear to me.

Hell has three gates: lust, anger, and greed.

There has never been a time when you and I have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist.  As the same person inhabits the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too at the time of death he attains another body. The wise are not deluded by these changes.

He who is full of faith and zeal, and has subdued his senses attains knowledge; having attained knowledge, he soon attains supreme peace.

Do your duty. Seize the moment. The time to do, is NOW.

Hinduism is based on reason and NOT faith--unless the faith is an extension of reason. It has its own beliefs, timeless traditions, ethics, rituals, philosophy and theology.

A Hindu is proud of the diversity, the range, and the lofty metaphysical aspirations of Vedanta.

The eternal truths in the Vedas were written by our great seers without junk DNA in their bodies and king sized resonating pineal glands. It is NOT mere speculation of guesswork.

The fundamental deities are the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. ( Creator/ preserver/ destroyer ) or Tamas/ Sattva/ Rajas  of the Yin Yang trident, with a mediator prong in between. Abraham who is common to Christianity, Islam and Judaism is Brahma, the creator god of Hinduism. Brahma's wife is Sarawati the goddess of learning . Sara is the wife of Abraham. 

Hindu gods are regularly displayed with their female counterparts. Tantra involves the balancing of these two aspects—Shiva (representing consciousness) and Shakti (representing energy)—in a manner reminiscent of yin and yang.

Hindusim is 110 centuries old, while Christianity is 20 centuries old and Islam is 14 centuries old.

Ancient India and her unique culture has survived over 12000 years, because Hinduism was developed along Spiritual lines, NOT materialistic lines.

When a foreigner comes to an Indian Hindu Guru for mental solace, the first thing he tells them is NOT to give up their original religion. It was NEVER to convert-- only to give away free. It is NOT difficult for people to see that this mother of all religions  is the only one which does NOT have a hidden agenda.

Sanatana Dharma respects the planet along with its flora and fauna. It is the only religion which advocates vegetarianismand Ahimsa ( non-violence ) .  Manu , the ancient law giver was a committed environmentalist. Manu wrote that polluting the environment was a punishable offence.

Manu’s laws in Manava Dharma Shastra , are in 100000 verses in 24 books and was propagated from Jerusalem to Urals to Vietnam in 7000 BC by the great Indian Emperor who ruled these lands. These laws were given 5300 years before Hammurabi who lifted wholesale from these laws, leaving aside kindness to the environment, social responsibility and grace.

The whole idea of Vaastu was to construct something without disturbing the flow of nature , the flora , the fauna, and without interrupting natural flow of energy. The deities of Hinduism permeate the world of nature.   It is about peaceful co-existence and comfort.

Above a "crop circle" in a mud lake , of Sri Yantra contains the elusive theory of everything.

First see the video below of Sri Yantra in 3D. 

The lines are 13.3 miles long, and 9 inches wide  on a wet mud lake bed -- photo taken by USAF aircraft from Idaho base.  The diagram is too complex and  geometrical --  IMPOSSIBLE to be drawn by  men as a hoax.  Out of 9 interlacing triangles, 5 point downwards and four point upwards. All triple intersections meet at the same point. The vertices of the largest triangles fall on the circumference of the enclosing circle. Except for the two biggest triangles, all apexes touch the base of another triangle. 

The central triangle facing downwards must be equilateral and holds the Bindu of the holistic pyramid . The Bindu is also the centre of the circle . The 3 lines intersect at 54 points ( number of Sanskrit alphabets ) with Shiva and Shakti qualities making the magic number 108.. It contains the macroscopic, molecular, atomic,  sub atomic levels, Mendeleyev’s periodic table etc. The musical analogies of maths , physics , chemistry, quantum particles and contained in this diagram in the form of notation, harmony , melody and notes. The mind of god represented by the Sri Yantra is cosmic music resonating through hyperspace. Italian 

Fibonacci of 1200 AD is given the credit of the Golden ratio, while the Indian Sri Yantra ( which contains the TOE ) based on Golden ratio of 1.618 was drawn in 8000 BC --see video below.

The Sri Yantra found in ancient temples is 10000 years old. The angle of 51 deg 49 min 38.25 sec is used for the Egyptian pyramids.

Above --inhalation and exhalation , the big bang and the black hole-- the Dance of Kali.

The dance of Shiva below is the Yin-Yang from either side of the Quantum screen -- matter to indestructible energy and energy to matter.

The Bindu of the Sri yantra represents singularity. The cosmos expands and contracts at regular cycles as explained by Sri Krishna in the Bhagawat Gita--just like inhalation and exhalation

You don’t have to live in India to be a Hindu. You could be a Catholic living in England, as long as you have a conscience, live in harmony with nature ,  grateful for her natural bounties, do not dominate and harass other living beings, have inherent grace and know your “duties”.. You must understand that human beings are just but a link in this symbiotic chain of life and consciousness.

Hindu religion is run by the laws of Dharma. All the obligatory duties of the Hindu owe their allegiance to the Vedas.  They draw forth the thought of successive generations of Maharshi seers  or spiritual giants from 9500 BC to 5000 BC.

Above crop circle shows Kundalini raising. The snake on Shiva's shoulder indicates raised Kundalini.

The 4 Vedas and the 108 Upanishads , written in Sanskrit language in 5000 BC  are to Hindu India what the Crown and Scepter are to an anointed king. They are India's proudest and most ancient possessions. From 9500 BC to 5000 BC Vedas were transmitted orally by learning vast amounts of verses by heart.

These Vedic texts include hymns, liturgical instructions, and philosophical courses . The ancient Maharishi 11000 years ago , were Epistemologists whose theories deal with puzzles about the source, nature, foundation, scope, validity and limits of human knowledge. The glory of this vast literature is its imaginative and emotional qualities.

The Maharishis who composed the the Vedas were experts in Metaphysics to determine the real nature of things—to determine the meaning, structure, and principles of whatever is in so far as it is-- with reality as a whole. 

The Indian rishis were the first to engage their great minds in dialectics in philosophy—the  method of investigating the nature of truth by the criticism of initial concepts and hypotheses—all in the most peaceful natural surroundings.

The Vedas are not puerile babblings of rustic troubadours or minstrels , but sedate out-pourings of exceptionally sharp and graceful minds in quest of truth .  Like indestructible diamonds of brilliant fire they have come down 11000 years in spotless perfection, with no need to be revised or abridged, to suit the modern era. 

From the Vedas evolved the Upanishads, whose copious enquiries into the nature of man, the Universe, and God, strike the intelligent and high IQ modern scientific mind with speechless wonder.  Vedas are verses written in the most digitally perfect language in the world, Sanskrit, with a scientific alphabet and perfected vocabulary, and a grammar which is itself a great work of art. Sanskrit is the only language suitable for conscious computers of the future.

The Vedic Maharishis had beautiful geometrical fractal minds, and could see even numerical problems as fractals. The principles of sound harmonics of Vedic verses works precisely and consistently . The way words unfold from their seed forms is amazing. The mathematical precision throughout the language gives Sanskrit verses its extraordinary power . 

There is a direct link between the sound and signs, it is phonetic. Sanskrit has no spelling, syntax, order of words or any silent letters. A language for Vedic mantras ( scalar energy sounds ) which resonate your DNA with your Pineal gland and which trigger quantum tunneling in Aakasha  ( ZPF )

Vedas are the only composition in the universe invested with Divine origin, and hence divine sanctity. These ancient Sanskrit texts won the admiration of eminent human beings of the caliber of Carl Jung, Emerson, Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Victor Hugo, Romain Rolland, Hermann Hesse, Henrich Zimmer, Tolstoy, Sir Edwin Arnold, Yeats, Einstein, Mark Twain, Nikola Tesla and hundreds of others.

Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries. J. Robert Oppenheimer

The Vedas are the earliest literary record of this planet and were written on the banks of the river Saraswati.  The Saraswati civilization was the oldest in the world and flourished on the banks of the river Saraswati from 9000 BC to 4000 BC, till the river became non-perennial, due to a tectonic shift blocking the river’s mouth at the Himalayan Glacier.

The Vedas are the quintessence of classical Hindu philosophy. Thinking with your heart; loving with your mind. All yoga and meditation aim to attain this goal.

Vedic literature with its philosophical maxims is the highest religious authority for the Hindu in particular and probably for the whole of mankind in future.

Sanatana Dharma is  is grounded firmly on human consciousness and perception. Vedas introduced Consciousness , the most valuable thing on this planet , to Western philosophical thought. The Vedas are considered to be eternal, without beginning and end as they represent the divine truth itself as perceived through the elevated consciousness of great seers.

Upanishads are the divine revelations received by ancient seers. The sages who gave them to us did not care to leave their names; the truths they set down were eternal, and the identity of those who arranged the words irrelevant.

They represent the essence of the Vedas, the greatest truths ever known to mankind. The Upanishads are humanity's most profound philosophical inquiry and the first perceptions of the unity of all, the oneness of man and God. The Upanishads are also called the Vedanta. The Upanishads are not philosophy but are darshanas, “something seen” and therefore to be realized. The Upanishads teach that both space and time are endless or infinite. Modern science completely agrees.

The ancient Vedic rishis in all their wisdom said as early as 9000 BC , that our universe is not woven from  matter but consciousness. These seers and channels said,  that the universal laws are clear, your attitude about your life will shape it , that Matter, energy and consciousness are interchangeable—made popular by the formula E=MC2.

In their state of higher consciousness they realized that the ultimate constituents of the universe - energy and mass, particle and wave, - were but different aspects of the same basic process, but the same Oneness which pervaded the entire universe.

Today science has relearned that lesson.  Science, in its most advanced stage, is closer to Vedanta than ever before. The intuition of Indian mystics led them to understand the multidimensional reality and of space-time continuum which is the basis of the modern theory of relativity. The Upanishads are summits of thought on mankind and the universe, designed to push human ideas to their very limit and beyond.

In the Upanishads we get a glimpse into the workings of the minds of the great Indian thinkers who were unhampered by the tyranny of religious dogma, political authority, pressure of public opinion, seeking truth with single-minded devotion,  rare in the history of thought.

The Upanishads have given us a body of insights that have a universal quality about them and this universality derives from their impersonality. The sages who discovered them had depersonalized themselves in the search for truth.  Unlike modern Western philosophers who lift ideas and patent it in their names.

The ancient seer rishis wanted to go beyond nature and realize the transcendental nature of man. They dared to take up this challenge and the Upanishads are the unique record of the methods they adopted, the struggles they undertook and the victory they achieved in this astonishing adventure of human spirit. And this is conveyed to us in verses of great resonance power and poetic charm.

Hitler is free to claim Hindu god Ganapathi.  
But I guess Ganesh might be too obese for his taste.

A week ago during Ganesh Chaturti celebrations, a rabid Indian Muslim scholar Dr Zakir Nail denigrated Lord Ganapati and Lord Shiva.  He said Shiva cut off his son's head .

This is a fudged story invented by Tamil knowing white Christian missionaries, who owned printing presses.

To read the truth punch into google search LORD GANESHA , MILK DRINKING EPISODE- VADAKAYIL.

The Swastika is a Hindu TANTRA symbol, is as old as Hinduism itself.  

Lord Shiva’s son Lord Ganesha has it inscribed on his palm. It represents the cosmic spinning vortex.  Everything is energy.  All energy is a vortex . Millions of posts on Tantra on the Internet is all bull -- all charlatans.  I will put a post on Tantra , Hinduism's greatest contribution to this planet, soon. It is NOT about perverts and sex, as reduced by immature Vatican.

The Vedas state that there is incredible order and harmony and pattern which no accident can produce, and hence there is a consciousness in every molecule of matter. 

Consciousness is a form of scalar electromagnetic energy which with focused thought and intent can achieve extraordinary things. Consciousness is the intelligence, the organizing principle behind the arising of form. 

Electricity and gravitation are macroscopic properties that are caused by microscopic properties of the constituents. Consciousness is the macroscopic property of our brains that is caused by a microscopic property of its constituents. 

Can any other religious text come close to such profound wisdom, though all religions are offshoots of Hinduism.

The story of India is the history of religion. The more you know, the more you will fall in love with India and Hinduism .

Under the doctrine of karma, the ability to make choices remains with the individual.

The exodus has already started.

The wheel has turned full circle.

There are two paths in Hinduism.

One is the Advaita ( non-dual ) and the other is Dwaita ( dual ) philosophy of Sanatana Dharma.

The Advaita looks at God as brahmAn, the intelligent morphogenetic consciousness field  -- the akasha, the intelligent conscious space between the whizzing electrons in an atom.  An electron drops or rises one single orbit and the matter changes drastically.

The Dwaita form looks at God as the trinity of creator Brahma , preserver Vishnu and destroyer Shiva alos known as Tamas -Rajas- sattwa.  The modern world knows this as Yin-Yang .

Energy/ matter
Particle/ wave
Cathode/ anode
Conscious/ subconscious
Aerobic bacteria/ anaerobic
Catablism/ anabolism
Potential energy/ kinetic energy
Attraction/ repulsion
Excitation/ inhibition
Birth/ decay
Static / dynamic
Organic / inorganic
Freezing/ melting
Vaporization/ condensation
Positive pole/ negative pole
North pole/ southpole magnetic
Ionization/ de-ionistaion
Clockwise vortex/ counterclockwise vortex
Absorption/ secretion
Contraction/ relaxation
Evaporation/ condensation
Conscious/ Subconscious
Left brain lobe/ Right brain lobe

These dual poles are connected via consciousness.  It is about the quantum possibility wave vibration between two poles. If the restraining balance or equilibrium is lost , the universe will spiral out of control and end. This guarantees change, growth and evolution Lessening of Yin- always results in increase of Yang and vice versa.  One cannot exist without the other and they are mutually dependant . Balance can never be permanent—  Yin and Yang continuously devour each other – and life flows on.

Could this 11000 year old Hindu religion be one invented by bumpkin shepherd's or by evolved seers?

Above video:  Have you ever seen a rock festival where thousands dance ( not just waving hands ) , with NO drugs , no alcohol ,no  laser lights, no foot thumping music, no props , no lyrics for hours -- just pure spiritual ecstasy singing just two vocal lines with same tune  

Above video: Put on your head phones. Rama and Krishna are avatars of Vishnu-- who walked this planet more than 6000 years ago..

This is the meaning of getting centered!

In Amsterdam below-- no sops, no coercion, all vegetarians, bringing "  happiness from within " to their empty lives.

I am re-opening this post and putting extra stuff.  

The essence of Hinduism in words. Hippies came to India in the sixties to seek this wisdom. I give it to you free on the Internet.

In my comments column below, a white Christian by the name of Henry, full of negativity, just defiled nay 
vandalized this peaceful post. 

If he had NOT done that I would NOT have added what follows—the gems of Hindu thought.

He thinks happiness is drinking liquor and smoking a cigar. These are just things used to fill up a dark hole in your life.

I forgive him.  Lest he think I am powerless to forgive , or give him nightmares and sleepless nights, he must read my next post about Tantra— the secretive left hand path of Hinduism.  Hinduism is unique—Hindus do not derive happiness at the expense of another's deep unhappiness.

This passage is for Henry—the quintessential uprooted man.

In India we do NOT equate wealth and material possessions with happiness. Our children are happy just with a cube of sugar, a cap of a bottle to be used as a wheel, and just running free on the beach. 

I am just happy to sit with my wife and children on the balcony— not even talking to each other. There is deep contentment INSIDE the house.  

Happiness is FREE. 

It is about filling up the space deep inside, or gratification of the soul. It is about equilibrium or dynamic balance between your SPIRIT , MIND AND MATTER. 

Happiness has to overtake you. Never equate happiness with matter. It is more of spirit and mind. Inner peace, like peace at home will make you happy. 

Happiness is a victory lap of positive forces over negative forces in your life.

The Mahaprajnaparamita Shastra states:
"When one seeks an object of desire,one suffers.
When one gets an object of desire,One fears losing it.
When one loses an object of desire,One is greatly troubled.
At each and every point,There is no joy."

All things of great value are absolutely free. Be comfortable in our own skin. There is no need to fake it or go against your grain or be a pretender — no need for wigs , high heels , hair dye or props like cigars .

The wisdom of Hinduism has come from our jungles having the most exotic animals and birds on this planet like tigers, rhino, peacocks etc. There is NO need for an elephant to try and run like a horse to improve its self esteem.  

A happy man does NOT care for page 3 and look at the moth eaten faces of celebrities, their rich mansions, cars and gadgets. You have no need to keep up with the Joneses and feel jealous. Your home is for you to live in not others to gape at.

Being close to beautiful nature— feeling ze cool wind through your hair, crisp air in your lungs, clean blue waters— rather feeling one with nature--  gives that  natural high.  If you are allergic to your area , flee from it.  For harmony with nature is a must. No point in having wheezing and a blocked nose. You cant even sleep properly or enjoy your food .

Being grounded and centred gives you freedom from worry, compulsive thinking , negativity and clinging.. 

You have the ability to play a bad hand well. You have hope in defeat and faith in your abilities. 

You can separate your pride from the situation in hand.  Do not expect  too much.  Do not concentrate on what you don’t have. I am NOT telling you to lose hope here. 

Unless you make peace with what you are , you will never be content with what you have.

Knowing what is right and not being able to do it is cowardice. Such a man cannot be happy from inside.

The current is food on the table. The past is shit in the septic tank. Why do you insist on entering this stinkin' tank every hour of the day?  Self pity and resentment are self destructive.

Living your life by design—not default.

Try this-- wiping a tear from a hungry man by giving him something you would have discarded anyway, giving a lift to a foot slogger on your route to work whom you have always ignored, wishing your office mate “happy new year” or "happy birthday" which you have never done before just because he is below your pecking order,  visiting someone who never expected you , in the hospital. Remember the hospital is a great leveller.

Feel the happiness course through your veins, when you are socially responsible.  Happiness is a huge by-product of those actions we take for the benefit of others. 

Thus compassion and forgiveness are perfectly selfish and wise acts.  Kindness, generosity, patience, tolerance, humility, fairness, helping others to grow and reach their potential -- all create INNER happiness.

You will sleep well at night, if you have a clean conscience – for you have never stitched up anybody .

Manage the pieces of your day , the best way you can and then feel like a winner. Because you have run your own race, you have no need to over analyze and then declutter your mind or tonsure the past with booze and drugs.

Respond to daily events in a manner which is in harmony with the oneness of the fabric and principles of the universe. You must feel that you are growing in life.

Use pain solely for feedback. Using pain as a message from nature.  

Respond to life proactively, not reactively. 

Eat to live, do NOT live to eat.

You must have a good sense of humor. 

Never breach a trust. You must take pride in own character.

Follow your emotions but know when to control them. An easy and calm mind can only be attained when emotions are allowed a safe expression. 

Sex is natural and god given, there is NO need to repress it. The Pope and his Catholic priests must think over this.

Look at your own assets with pride, see the positive.  Age reversing emotions are joy, forgiveness, love, respect, friendship, self esteem and lightheartedness . The skin tone shows on people who are not self actualized and unable to laugh. 

Only laughter can release those chemicals which electrify your nerves and resonate the trillions of cells in your body.  Have zest and enthusiasm for life.  Avoid bad manners.

There is no need to take things personally and be hypersensitive. There is no need to dwell for ever on nasty remarks . Have the ability to move on in life after grieving.  If you have to look into the rear view mirror, give only darting glaces. 

Avoid seeing only problems and zilch possibilities. Do not be mired in self pity.  Never be addicted to emotional drama, hysteria and cynicism.
The Bhagawat Gita wants you to enjoy the moment or give life a full blooded shot.  

Have  grace under pressure. Avoid negative revengeful thoughts. Don’t bark at the dog who barked at you—or bite the dog who bit you. There is NIL wisdom in this.  

Do NOT break your own word to yourself consistently, once in a while is OK.

Never go to bed with unresolved differences with your wife and children. Spend quality time with them—this is the fountainhead of happiness.

Have the ability to adapt and CHANGE to the new order , lest you remain vulnerable and unhappy in the unfamiliar zone.  

Never let a small dispute injure a great friendship.

Hindus transited from extremely righteous "Rama avatar" to practical life management of "Krishna avatar" with some major changes . 

The preserver God Lord Vishnu saw the need to do that in a hurry. 

This is contained in the Bhagawat Gita as Lord Krishna’s pep talk to Prince Arjuna just before the war in 4000 BC.  

Have the ability to say NO and pull the plug. Have the ability to cast a shoe aside that does not fit— be graceful , mature and poised while doing this.

Never sweat the small stuff. Never short sell yourself. Learn to let go at the right time. Make peace with your past , so that you don't mar your present . 

Refuse to be swayed by emotion when it conflicts with reason. Avoided problems will not go away, rather it becomes worse. Accept that life is NOT always fair.

Never jump into the bandwagon, or bow to precedent.  

Never be preoccupied with stuff over which you have zilch control. Never let criticism shake your inner confidence. 

Happiness is NOT in the mundane, but in the deep ocean of happiness that lies beneath. Live beneath your means and within your seams.

Happiness is not a constant. Just because you are not happy it does not mean something is wrong. Perfect utopia lies only in the minds of unhappy and negative thinking perfectionists.

Happiness cannot be thrust upon you, for it comes from within as a result of your own actions. All seasons are beautiful for the person whose happiness comes from within.  

Have a sense of humor, or you are like the jalopy car without a suspension, jolted and brain whacked by every pot hole. 

Use sense of humor as a balancing pole pole on the tightrope of life .

AFTER THE GAME OF LIFE , THE KING AND THE PAWN GOES INTO THE SAME BOX--  there is no reason to indulge in too much of one-upmanship while alive, with another man on another raft by your side. 

Don’t try to make him feel jealous like our man Henry, with his T bone beef steak, fancy wine and cuban cigar.

All of us are in rafts on a rapid flowing river of life, heading for that 100% sure plunge down the waterfall of death.  

While on this raft, fish, but do NOT over fish.  Be graceful to the people on rafts near you.

Once your raft goes over the waterfall all your riches go down with you. Even the Pharaoh could NOT prevent this.

If you have done good to this planet and your society while alive, someone will remember you .

Hinduism has always given answers to Life Management. 

What was applicable 11000 years ago, is still applicable today.

Wisdom is the only weapon which follows the owner everywhere.

Without positive emotions man can’t be happy.  No dream can become true unless you have some skill and go to work.  Belief is the power behind all accomplishments. The man who wins is the man who thinks he can.  

Faith and trust are the seeds which bring the sweet fruits of success. Will power is the decision to carry on the fight.  Self esteem is required to make a person mentally healthy.  

We need family and friends to improve our emotional health.  No one can lead a healthy life in isolation. An unusual amount of commonsense is called wisdom. Wisdom is discriminating between right and wrong.  

Knowledge is about knowing more and more— wisdom is about knowing less and less. To be successful you must be exited about life. Life is a festival only to those who live with enthusiasm.

If your life is devoid of opportunities then you are not taking enough risks. It is not enough to aim, you must hit.  Failure to hit the bulls eye is never the fault of the target.  

Belief in predetermined destiny is the only refuge of weak minds. Take responsibility for your failures.  

A prayer is to the soul what air is to the lungs. 

There is a difference between planning and worrying.  Planning is constructive, worry is destructive.  Jealousy is poison for the soul. 

Better to forgive and forget than hate and remember.  Fear tends to produce the things we are afraid of. The blatant display of status symbols is the result of low self esteem.  

The self confident person can afford to project a modest image.  The best time to solve a problem is as soon at it happens. 

The purpose of life is not only to be happy, but also to be creative , productive and useful— to make a difference that you lived at all on this planet.

Punch into Google search AGNIHOTRA VADAKAYIL and get shocked out of your pants. 

Chosen deities are called ISHTA DEVATAS -- you choose a god for yourself, whose form or avatar,  you are comfortable with--from hundreds--  only Hinduism affords this total freedom.  

This is the charm of Hinduism .  It does NOT chain you.  Some ridicule that we have too many gods.  

Well we dont think so-- as we like to have the total freedom of choosing from hundreds of paths to the same goal.  We like to be comfortable with what we visualise, after all God is within is . 

Some may NOT like to visualize a god in pain bleeding all over on a cross,  or a god without form  and you are forbidden under pain of death from visualizing it too,  or a god sitting in a boring meditative pose etc.  

There is great power in human conscious CHOICE. What happens to you after 21st Dec 2012,  depends on your conscious CHOICE. 




Harshil Shah
September 21, 2014 at 9:06 AM
Pranam Guruji,

Indeed, i read the above post and its exactly same. Sir, however one question - usually we offer water on shiva lingam (due to reasons explained in one of your earlier post), then at vatican and kabba, are they still continuing the same practice covertly ?... What happens if this is not continued or are there any other alternatives (may be a silly question).. I am still learning...

Harshil Shah


Capt. Ajit Vadakayil
September 21, 2014 at 9:57 AM
hi hs,

You will find millions of funda on the internet and Hindu literature – even by learned gurus like Vivekananda and hundreds of shankaracharyas..


NOBODY HAS UNDERSTOOD HINDUISM SINCE ADI SHANKARACHARYA OF 2000 BC—and few German Quantum physicists ( who all converted to Hinduism and got cremated. .)

Shiva Lingam contains the soul-seed ( DNA ) within which lies the essence of the entire cosmos.

Water holds memory.

Copper kalasha drips water right on top of the shiva lingam and this water bathes the lingam uniformly. In ancient days this water used to be LIVING ganges water.

The base has a run off for water – and this water is holy theertham . The white man called the Lingam as Shiva’s erect phallus and the run off base for water as YONI( vagina – note the extreme sarcasm ).


I have been telling this in my posts .

One day, three years ago NASA agreed with capt ajit vadakayil.

Punch into Google search-

You will find it on page one item one among 8 million posts—even ahead of NASA’s post on this subject .

If you cant see it by some quirk, enter-- NASA DNA METEORITE VADAKAYIL.

Theertham water holds memory .

The computers of the future ( maybe 200 years in future ) will NOT contain silicon chips.

They will hold water . In another 400 years I predict computers will be conscious and they can laugh at a joke or tell the moral of a story narrated to it .

Punch into Google search-


We had INDOPHILE white men and women ( like Wendy Doniger ) interpreting Hindusim for us , right?—all wolves in sheep’s clothing !




Capt ajit vadakayil


Grace and peace!


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