Saturday 26 December 2015

भारतीय वैज्ञानिको की रहस्यमयी मौते इशारा करती है ख़ुफ़िया एजेंसीज की साजिश की तरफ

मिस्ट्री, रहस्य, ख़ुफ़िया और मौत ये शब्द कान में पड़ते ही आपका दिमाग एक कहानी बुनने लगता है जो रहस्यों और संदेहों से भरी होती है L हिन्दुस्तान में मिस्ट्री शब्द तब जोर पकड़ता है जब किसी की मौत के रहस्य से पार पाना मुश्किल हो जाये और जब रहस्यमयी घटनाए इशारा करे दुनिया की सबसे ताक़तवर ख़ुफ़िया एजेंसी की तरफ L
हम आपको उन भारतीय वैज्ञानिको के बारे में बताने जा रहे है जिन्होंने जब जब नुक्लियर प्रोजेक्ट पर काम करना शुरू किया या उसका हिस्सा बने वो संदिग्ध हालत में मृत पाए गये जो इस बात पर इशारा करते है की आखिर कौन भारत को नुक्लियर सम्पन्न देश नही बनने देना चाहता…..  

1. नाभिकीय ऊर्जा कार्यक्रम के जनक डॉ.होमी जहाँगीर भाभा

होमी जहाँगीर भाभा हिन्दुस्तान के न्यूक्लियर प्रोग्राम के जन्मदाता की मौत आज तक मिस्ट्री बनी हुई है जो कई अहम् सवालो की तरफ इशारा करती है, की आखिर कौन भारत के अंदरूनी मामलो में नज़र रख रहा है, कौन जो नही चाहता की हिन्दुस्तान एक नुक्लेअर शक्ति के तौर पर उभरे l 1966 में डॉ भाभा बोम्बे से न्यूयार्क जा रहे एयर इण्डिया बोईंग 101 विमान में यात्रा कर रहे थे और माना जाता है की उनकी मृत्यु विमान क्रैश हो जाने के कारण हुई लेकिन न तो उनकी मृत शरीर पाया गया और न ही विमान दुर्घटना का मलबा l
2009 में फ्रांसीसी पर्वतारोही डेनियल रोच ने एक धमाके दार खुलासा किया की 24 जनवरी 1966 को कोई विमान दुर्घटना नही बल्कि इटली के किसी एयरक्राफ्ट या मिसाइल की टक्कर से नष्ट हुआ था । उन्होंने अपनी 80 पन्नों के रिसर्च डॉक्यूमेंट में इसे बड़ी साजिश करार दिया है ।

2. ISRO भी बन चुका है शिकार 

15 सालो में इसरो ने अपने 684 कार्यकर्ताओ को खोया है, 45 मौते हर साल इसरो को बेहद नुकसान पंहुचा रही है l जिसमे 1994 में इसरो एक ख़ुफ़िया स्कैंडल से गुज़रा था जिसमे नांबी नारायण नाम के साइंटिस्ट जो क्रायोजेनिक इंजन डेवलपमेंट प्रोग्राम में कार्यरत थे एक भ्रष्टाचार में लिप्त पाए गये थे l पुलिस के हिरासत में लिए जाने के कारण उनका कैरियर खत्म हो गया था l जिस प्रोजेक्ट से वो जुड़े थे वो भारत के विकास में बेहद योगदान रखता था l
यह कोई मामूली घटना नही क्योंकि लगातार ऐसा होना हिन्दुस्तान के खिलाफ चल रही साजिश की तरफ इशारा करती है !

3.  के.के.जोशी और अभीष शिवम रेलवे ट्रैक पर मृत पाए गये 

अक्टूबर 2013 को विशाखापट्टनम नेवल यार्ड के समीप के रेलवे ट्रैक में कुछ लोगों को दो लाशें दिखाई दी । शिनाख्त में पता चला की ये बॉडी के.के.जोशी(33 वर्ष) और अभीष शिवम(34 वर्ष) की है,जो पहली स्वदेशी परमाणुक सबमरीन INS-अरिहंत के प्रोजेक्ट्स में चीफ इंजीनियर के रूप में कार्यरत थे । प्रारंभिक जांच में पुलिस ने पाया की इनकी मौत हाई इंटेंसिटी पॉइसन के कारण हुई थी,और इसे रेलवे दुर्घटना से जोड़ने के उद्देश्य से रेल की पटरियों में फेंक दिया गया था,डेढ साल बाद भी ये मर्डर मिस्त्री अनसुलझी है ।

4. पद्मनाभन अय्यर अपने घर में मृत पाए गए

23 जून 2010 को भाभा एटॉमिक रिसर्च सेंटर (BARC) में कार्यरत मैकेनिकल इंजीनियर एम पद्मनाभन अय्यर अपने घर में मृत पाए गए,पुलिस के अनुसार हत्यारे ने, डुप्लीकेट चाबी से पहले ही फ्लैट में एंट्री कर ली थी और बाद में गला रेंत कर हत्या कर दी । हत्यारे का अब तक कोई सुराग नहीं मिल सका है ।

5. ऑपरेशन स्माइलिंग बुधा बना था आकर्षण का केंद्र 

18 मई 1974 को भारत का पहला नुक्लियर पॉवर विस्फोट का परिक्षण हुआ था जिसे नाम दिया था ऑपरेशन स्माइलिंग बुधा,  जिसके बाद से पश्चिमी खुफिया एजेंसियों ने भारत के न्यूक्लियर प्रोग्राम में काफी रूचि दिखाई है । भारत के 10 बड़े वज्ञानिको की हत्या मेहेज़ इत्तेफाक नहीं हो सकती l क्योंकि ईरान ने भी कुछ इसी तरह से अपने वैज्ञानिको को खोया है l

6. ईरान भी खो चूका है अपने कई वैज्ञानिक 

ईरान में भी लगातार साइंटिस्ट की कुछ इसी प्रकार से मौते हुई थी l वैज्ञानिक अर्देशिर होस्सेंन पौर  की मौत गैस सफोकेशन की वजह से हुई फिर दूसरी बार मस्सौदी अली मोहम्मदी की मौत उनके घर के बाहर बम ब्लास्ट में हुई हैरानी की बात ये की ये सब भी नुक्लियर प्रोजेक्ट में शामिल थे l लेकिन ईरान ने अपने वैज्ञानिको को सुरक्षित रखने में कई कदम उठाये है जिन्हें भारत को भी लागू करना चाहिए ……

7. एल.महालिंगम की मौत को आत्महत्या करार दिया गया 

कैगा एटॉमिक पॉवर स्टेशन (कर्नाटक) के सीनियर साइंटिस्ट एल.महालिंगम 8 जून 2009 की सुबह वाक पर निकले पर वापस नहीं लौटे,5 दिन बाद कलि नदी में उनकी बहती हुई लाश को निकाला गया l पुलिस शुरुआती जांचों के बाद इसे ‘आत्महत्या’ का नाम दे दिया,परन्तु परिवार और कलीग्स के अनुसार उनकी सुसाइड का कोई कारण नहीं था ।

8. वैज्ञानिको की मौत को आत्महत्या करार दिया जा रहा है 

BARC, DRDO और कैगा एटॉमिक सेंटर के ही वैज्ञानिकों को चुन-चुन के निशाना बनाया जा रहा है,चार साल पहले बार्क में रिसर्चर उमा राव और IGCAR कलपक्कम में इंजीनियर मोहम्मद मुस्तफा की अप्राकृतिक मौत को भी सुसाइड का नाम दे कर लीपापोती की जा रही है ।

9. अमेरिका नही चाहता की भारत नुक्लियर ताकतवर देश के तौर पर उभरे 

इस बात के पुख्ता सबूत तो नही मिले लेकिन ऐसा माना जाता है की डॉ होमी जहाँगीर भाभा के प्लेन क्रैश के पीछे सीआईए का हाथ था वो नही चाहता था की भारत का नुक्लियर पॉवर प्रोग्राम सफल हो l इसी तरह से क्रायोजेनिक इंजन प्रोग्राम के तहत भारत लॉन्ग रेंज मिसाइल बनाने वाला था जिसमे नांबी नारायण नाम के वैज्ञानिक को स्कैंडल में फसाया गया जिससे उनका करीयर ही खतरे में पड़ गया था l भारत के इस प्रोजेक्ट से अमेरिका का मल्टी बिलियन डॉलर का स्पेस मार्केट खतरे में पड़ रहा था l अमेरिका अपना दबदबा इस क्षेत्र में कायम रखना चाहता है l
बहरहाल भारत को अपने वैज्ञानिको को सुरक्षित रखने में कड़े कदम उठाने चाहिए जिससे देश के विकास को कोई हानि न पंहुचा सके !!

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Daily Meditation Effective to Lower Blood Pressure

When it comes to lowering blood pressure naturally there are many lifestyle changes that can be made. For example, changing your diet, exercising regularly and reducing stress are all effective ways to lower your blood pressure. And now new research suggests another tactic that can help improve those numbers even more – it’s called transcendental meditation.
Transcendental meditation is sitting comfortably with your eyes closed for up to 20 minutes, twice daily, in order to achieve rest for the mind and body. The new findings suggest that transcendental meditation is effective in reducing blood pressure because it produces telomerase – an enzyme linked with blood pressure reduction and mortality.
Previous research reported the many benefits of meditation, from reducing stress to even easing stomach troubles. The new findings, led by Dr. Robert Schneider, worked to show the benefits of transcendental meditation on blood pressure.
Stress is a known factor for hypertension – high blood pressure – so reducing stress is a key factor in reducing blood pressure as well. Furthermore, hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, which is seen in higher prevalence among black-Americans.
For the study the researchers involved 48 black-Americans, all with high blood pressure. Half of the participants were taught transcendental meditation and the other half were educated on lifestyle changes that could help lower blood pressure – losing weight, exercising and eating well.
After 16 weeks both groups saw a significant reduction in blood pressure, as well as greater telomerase expression – an enzyme that helps elongate chromosomes, boosting telomere function.
Dr. Schneider said, “The finding that telomerase gene expression is increased, and that this is associated with a reduction in blood pressure in a high-risk population, suggests that this may be a mechanism by which stress reduction improves cardiovascular health. These findings are very encouraging for prevention. They show that both the transcendental meditation technique and active lifestyle modification can contribute to heart health.”
Further research to confirm findings will involve a control group and contain a greater amount of participants.
The research shows that not only are lifestyle changes beneficial to improving high blood pressure, but transcendental meditation could also be an effective way to help heal the body and chromosomes by producing more telomerase.
Other Benefits of Meditation
As mentioned, using meditation as a form of therapy to treat conditions has been long studied. Documented benefits of meditation include:
Improves focus
Boosts immunity
Promotes mental well-being
Helps manage pain
Improves energy levels
Improves problem solving
Reduces stress
Reduces stomach problems
Improves breathing and heart rate
Increases mental sharpness and focus
As you can see, meditation can help the mind and the body. If you’re interested in beginning meditation but are not sure where to start, you may opt to take a class, read a book, or purchase DVDs to help you until you can proceed on your own.

Thursday 19 November 2015


Individuals world-wide are coming together to boycott the biotech giant that is Monsanto, so much so that the company has even considered changing its nameAfter all, we are still experiencing the fallout of Agent Orange (which the company developed) use in Vietnam, as veterans of that war age and grow sick with strange illnesses.
Paul-Stamets-3It can no longer be denied that this industry causes incredible detriment to living beings. Even the decline of bee populations has been attributed to agricultural chemical spraying across the world, even as more and more nations ban these concoctions.
However, despite heightened awareness of the crimes of nature that Monsanto continually unleashes upon our world, most hold little hope that support of movements such as organic produce and biodynamic agriculture could possibly put the company out of business.
However, there’s hope that some real change is coming.
Almost ten years ago, mycologist Paul Stamets was granted a patent that has potential to radically change the way we farm. Since Mr Stamets has a non-traditional educational background, his concepts are downplayed by the pesticide industry, but they are frightened.paul-stamets-mushroom-dung-nam-de-thay-doi-the-gioi-3
Said one executive that would like to remain anonymous, what he discovered is  “the most disruptive technology we have ever witnessed” to the chemical pesticide industry.
With $16 billion in revenue for 2014, they do not need anything disrupting the cash cow.
The patent we are talking about uses mother nature to keep insects from eating crops. It is among a group of chemical-free pesticides called ‘smart pesticides.’
300px-Paul_Stamets_with_AgarikonThis ‘biopesticide’ is a permanent and safe solution for controlling hundreds of thousands of species of destructive insects, and it is harnessed using the magic of mushrooms.
For a complete summary, check out the video below. In summary, the natural mushroom pesticide uses the power of a group of fungi that destroy insects. He has found a way to attract the insects to this, who eat it and are killed.
Check out this video! We live in some exciting times that are seeing old ways crumble and power structures fall as we wake up to create a more healthy and sustainable way of working, living & playing together on this planet.
The time is now. Yes we can!

New Research Says Worry And Anxiety Are Linked To High IQ

If you're like me, you think a little too much. Your thoughts and ideas swirl around so much in your mind that it can be hard to get much done, and it results in anxiety. Relax. According to anew study, excessive worry isn't exactly a bad thing. In some cases, it could mean you have a high IQ. Not that that's something I can brag about for myself, but perhaps for you.
"It occurred to me that if you happen to have a preponderance of negatively hued self-generated thoughts, due to high levels of spontaneous activity in the parts of the medial prefrontal cortex that govern conscious perception of threat and you also have a tendency to switch to panic sooner than average people, due to possessing especially high reactivity in the basolateral nuclei of the amygdala, then that means you can experience intense negative emotions even when there's no threat present. This could mean that for specific neural reasons, high scorers on neuroticism have a highly active imagination, which acts as a built-in threat generator," said Dr. Adam Perkins, an expert in neurobiology of personality at King's College in London. 
"Cheerful, happy-go-lucky people by definition do not brood about problems and so must be at a disadvantage when problem-solving compared to a more neurotic person," he continued. "We have a useful sanity check for our theory because it is easy to observe that many geniuses seem to have a brooding, unhappy tendency that hints they are fairly high on the neuroticism spectrum. For example, think of the life stories of Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Vincent Van Gogh, Kurt Cobain, etc. Perhaps the link between creativity and neuroticism was summed up most succinctly of all by John Lennon when he said: 'Genius is pain.'" 
Dr. Jeremy Coplan, a researcher and professor of psychiatry at State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, weighs in as well.
"Although we tend to view anxiety as not being good for us, it is linked with intelligence — a highly adaptive trait," says Dr. Coplan. "High levels of anxiety can be disabling, and patients' worries are often irrational,' But that "every so often there's a wild-card danger. Then, that excessive worry becomes highly adaptive,"Coplan notes that, "People who act on the signals of that wild-card danger are likely to preserve their lives and the lives of their offspring." 

So there you go. Your feelings of anxiety may actually be the key to the survival of humanity. Not to, you know, stress you out or anything.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Putin Reveals 4O Countries That Are Funding ISIS At The G20 Summit

“The statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.” – Mark Twain (source)
On more than one occasion, Russian President Vladamir Putin has revealed information that Western media won’t air. Two months ago he provided information illustrating that ISIS is funded by the West (you can watch that video here), and now he is making more noise at the G20 summit that’s currently taking place in Turkey, where he has supposedly shared intelligence data on Islamic State financing with his G20 colleagues.
As RT News reports:
[During the summit] I provided examples based on our data on the financing of different Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) units by private individuals. This money, as we have established, comes from 40 countries and, there are some of the G20 members among them.
He also voiced his concern regarding the illegal oil trade by IS, stating that he has seen photos taken from space and from aircraft that demonstrate the scale of the illegal trade in oil and petroleum products.
I’d also like to mention that I am aware that RT news is sponsored by Russia, but the fact remains that Putin has said that Western nations are funding ISIS before. Here is one of multiple examples.
At the summit he also stated that:
“The motorcade of refueling vehicles stretched for dozens of kilometers, so that from a height of 4,000  to 5,000 meters they stretch beyond the horizon. “
Again, it’s not the first time Putin has stressed that people who are going after ISIS and invading other countries (U.S. and their allies) are the very same people who funded and created ISIS in the first place.
His thoughts aren’t as outlandish as you might first believe. If we take 9/11, for example, you may be surprised to learn that approximately half the population of the United States does not believe the official story provided to them by their government. Many people think that 9/11 was an inside job, a ‘false flag’ terrorist attack in order to justify the infiltration of Iraq for ulterior motives, some poles even show that it’s half the American population. They believe this, not by blind faith, but because there is a tremendous amount of evidence that points in this direction.
The trend appears to continue with the recent attacks in Paris. A Canadian Economist and Professor Emeritus at the University of Ottawa recently called them “9/11 French Style.”  He also recently stated that the global war on terrorism is based on fake premises, and that the Western world is going after a fictitious enemy, the Islamic state, when in fact the Islamic state is fully supported by the Western military alliance.
As you can see, Putin isn’t alone in his thoughts, and even some celebrities have been trying to emphasize the same thing. Russell Brand is one, who touches on the topic on this video, and Steven Seagal is another, doing the same in this video.
That  being said, when it comes to politics and the ‘hidden hand’ that controls it, I never really know what to believe no matter who is saying it, and who knows all of this could just be one big elaborate plan towards a New World Order, but when it comes to matters where the truth seems so clear to many (‘false flag terrorism’), it’s hard to not lend an ear.
The world is waking up, and it’s not easy to come to grips with the fact that the version of reality which is presented to you via your television might be completely false. If the so-called ‘terrorists’ we are going after are nothing but the creation of the same countries who are attacking them, what is really going on here? Why is it so hard to believe that Western media would be lying to us? Why do we instantly believe what a person is saying on the television, without ever questioning it? Why do we experience such a harsh resistance to the simple questioning of these matters?
I did not go into detail regarding false flag terrorism with this article because we’ve written about it in detail in the articles below, so if you would like to learn more feel free to check them out.
Below is a video of award winning journalist Ben Swann that goes into some detail about it.


*This article only represents a very small fraction of the research regarding the dangers associated with these devices. We encourage you to further your own research, and just wanted to provide a base to let you know that it’s something more of us need to pay attention to.o-CELL-PHONE-RADIATION-facebook
Did you know that a child’s brain absorbs much more radiation than that of an adult?
Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D., from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia University, has joined a group of scientists from around the world who are making an international appeal to the United Nations regarding the dangers associated with the use of various electromagnetic emitting devices, like cells phones and WiFi.
Below is a video of him outlining the various dangers associated with these devices.
Multiple studies have revealed that cell phone radiation can cause cancer. Did you know that The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radio frequency fields (including those from cell phones) as a possible carcinogen in 2011? (source)  New-method-to-measure-the-Impact-of-Cellphone-Radiation-1
The dangers of cell phone use gained a lot of mainstream credibility in 2011 when the World Health Organization (WHO) admitted that cell phone radiation may cause cancer.
The statement was based off of a cumulative decision made by a team of 31 scientists, from 14 different countries, after reviewing evidence that suggested this to be the case.
You can read more about that HERE. It’s pretty startling news, especially given the fact that a child’s brain absorbs much more radiation than that of an adult.

The first cell phone generation is now  growing up, so if you are a parent, hopefully this gives you something to think about.

Tuesday 17 November 2015


The more that our medical knowledge expands on how we can use cannabis oil to treat a variety of illnesses, the more we are coming to understand that cannabis may be one of the key elements to recovering from a lot of horrible ailments.
cannaThere have been approximately over 150 different types of illnesses that medical marijuana has been able to vanquish or help tolerate at least. Because of this amazing feat of how strong and effective medical marijuana has become, it has been bestowed the title “miracle drug”.
Not only has medical cannabis been able to help those 150 ailments, we are now seeing that it can even help rid patients of cancer or help treat it.
With more than over a hundred scientific studies that help conclude the fact that cannabis compounds play a huge role in treating cancer patients, with a menagerie of documented cases that help prove all of the research to be true. Even the National Cancer Institute states that “Cannabinoids may have benefits in the treatment of cancer-related side effects.”
All of this proven data and research is nothing unless we are able to legalize marijuana of course. According to The Center for Responsive Politics, the reason as to why marijuana is not legal is because,
“Money, Not Morals, Drives Marijuana Prohibition.” Including their statement that because of a certain set of five industries that have powerful lobbying abilities may be the real Cannabis-Flower-1reason as to why cannabis is illegal.
With a variety of other reasoning as to why cannabis is not legal, is also from the fear that the pharmaceutical world would lose their line of expensive pick-me-up drugs such as Advil or Vicodin.
People would then replace these expensive drugs with cannabis instead and for that reason, The Center for Responsive Politics concludes this:
“In 2013 alone PhRMA spent nearly $18 million on lobbying, ranking it ninth in spending among all lobbying clients. Drug manufacturers gave big in the 2012 elections — nearly $21.8 million to various federal candidates and committees as well as the parties.”
If we are to explore even further the world of marijuana and it’s various helpful uses, then we must really take into consideration as to what that means for us as a society.
Personally, I say we do everything we can to further our knowledge of how medical marijuana can save numerous lives before having to throw them away for no reason.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

One of The Biggest Secrets Kept From Humanity: The Pineal Gland

Humans are bestowed with a certain part of their brain known as the pineal gland or also known as our third eye. The reason as to why it is called pineal is for it’s shape, like a pine cone.
A tiny pine cone that is in charge of producing serotonin derivative melatonin that has to deal with our hormones that affect the modulation of sleep/wake patterns, including our seasonal functions.
This tiny pine cone can be found near the center of the brain in place between the two hemispheres.
The reason as to why higher up’s keep this information from people is so they do not find out the fullest potential that this part of us has.
The pineal gland is essentially the portal between the physical and spiritual world for humans. When activated, the sensation of euphoria and oneness fills the persons mind, giving them a sense of all knowing. One can achieve this activation through yoga, meditation and variety of other occult methods.pineal-gland-1
Once activated, that person is able to freely travel to other dimensions, or otherwise referred to as astral projection or remote viewing.
Through ancient methods and advance practices, one could even control the thoughts and actions of other people in the physical world.
All though this seems impossible, the former Soviet Union governments as well as various shadow organizations have been researching these effects for a really long time, keeping the information under lock from the public eye.
tumblr_mtibioGB0H1r0w7efo1_500The reason we are unable to achieve this amazing feat within our brains is because of the amount of sodium fluoride we digest on a daily basis. The pineal gland absorbs most of the sodium fluoride that enters our bodies.
This essentially dumbs the pineal gland down by no longer being able to balance our hormonal processes in the body.
In fact, the United States water supply contains 90% of fluoride and other various components. Not even the water filters you buy at the super market are able to filter out fluoride.
One way to combat this is reverse osmosis or water distillation, water distillation being the cheaper option.
Not to claim ourselves as conspiracy theorists, but mainly our deep concern for the disconnect between our spirituality and reality all together.


Humans are bestowed with a certain part of their brain known as the pineal gland or also known as our third eye. The reason as to why it is called pineal is for it’s shape, like a pine cone.
pineal_glandA tiny pine cone that is in charge of producing serotonin derivative melatonin that has to deal with our hormones that affect the modulation of sleep/wake patterns, including our seasonal functions.
This tiny pine cone can be found near the center of the brain in place between the two hemispheres.
The reason as to why higher up’s keep this information from people is so they do not find out the fullest potential that this part of us has.
The pineal gland is essentially the portal between the physical and spiritual world for humans. When activated, the sensation of euphoria and oneness fills the persons mind, giving them a sense of all knowing. One can achieve this activation through yoga, meditation and variety of other occult methods.pineal-gland-1
Once activated, that person is able to freely travel to other dimensions, or otherwise referred to as astral projection or remote viewing.
Through ancient methods and advance practices, one could even control the thoughts and actions of other people in the physical world.
All though this seems impossible, the former Soviet Union governments as well as various shadow organizations have been researching these effects for a really long time, keeping the information under lock from the public eye.
The reason we are unable to achieve this amazing feat within our brains is because of the amount of sodium fluoride we digest on a daily basis. The pineal gland absorbs most of the sodium fluoride that enters our bodies.
This essentially dumbs the pineal gland down by no longer being able to balance our hormonal processes in the body.
In fact, the United States water supply contains 90% of fluoride and other various components. Not even the water filters you buy at the super market are able to filter out fluoride.
One way to combat this is reverse osmosis or water distillation, water distillation being the cheaper option.
Not to claim ourselves as conspiracy theorists, but mainly our deep concern for the disconnect between our spirituality and reality all together.

Thursday 3 September 2015


The meaning of life is… This.
I’m not pulling your leg.
This right here – What’s happening right now – This is the meaning of life.
What about helping others?help each other
What about love?
What about growing as a person?
Those things will never happen outside of now. They are part of this. So is reading thisarticle, biting your lip, and that itch you have juuuust about now.
A related question is “why do we exist?”
We exist because existence itself, now, the Tao, God, willed us into existence – We in the sense of being our separated minds.
In the deepest sense, “I am”. My words trickling out of me – my mind – This is existence itself. This.
Everything that is, is part of this. You can create your own version of the meaning of life and it will be part of this.
I will forget about this. You will forget about this – Most of life we go through a haze, where we’ve forgotten it. In a way, that is the essence of the human experience – Forgetting that you are everything, or to put it in Alan Watts’ words, “…playing that you weren’t God”.
You and I both will have moments of clarity; moments where you stop and suddenly see something that wasn’t there a moment ago – Like a different dimension of thought that momentarily presented itself to you.
You feel the residues of that moment of clarity and know that you remembered something you’ve always known, you laugh a bit at how silly you’ve been for forgettingthis and at how you thought this life could be anything but profound and beautiful. Then you forget.
Every time, however, the residue of those moments of clarity leaves an impression on you. It leaves the impression in the form of some fatty coating called myelin around your axons – A very unspiritual thing to say. The point is that every time you have that moment of clarity – Those moments where you see THIS – Life becomes just a little more calm, serene, beautiful, meaningful and all those other soothing adjectives.
The way to get these moments of clarity – where you are deeply present in this – is to train yourself to see things as they are.
See things as they are.
Not as you judge them to be. Not as you’d like them to be. As they are.
I want to leave you with a quote from a mind that really had it nailed down – Lao Tzu. This quote suggests that what you’ve just read is not the ultimate truth.
“The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao”

Vegard Gjerde,
Global Harmony Crew
Team Spirit!


Quantum mechanics has potentially put an end to one of the most widely adopted atheistic view of Earth – materialism. Therefore in an indirect way it has brought forth the supreme deity ideology, which was wholly rejected by most scientists, back into the frame of science.
materialismIn materialism, the material world was seen as a closed system operating on an intricate relationship between cause and effect. It was supported by the physical laws that had cemented their place in the scientific method since Newtonian times. With all the internal dependence and mathematical correlations, it was assumed that the material entities behaved irrespective of outside influence. That a material thing exists without any prerequisites.
However, the advent of quantum mechanics threw a wrench into this seemingly irrefutable notion of the world. It did so by taking matter from being made up of tiny blocks of atoms to be consisting of a wave of possibilities. You see, what quantum mechanics did was take the ingredients of matter from being the physicality of an atom to the unpredictability of its sub particles. Therefore an atom was the manifestation of the state its transient sub particles, electrons and quarks, were in. Thus essentially rendering the idea of a physical, unchanging matter archaic.
double slitTo show how quantum mechanics can potentially prove the existence of God, we have to learn about one Earth-shattering experiment – the Double-slit one. It exposed the wave-nature of electrons, a seemingly material thing. In the experiment, a beam of electrons fired through a slit and at a screen replicated a wave like pattern instead of a material splatter.
However, most interestingly, when the same beam of electrons was observed it behaved as something consisting of solids! Thus, the electron had several probable quantum events before the observation took place. It could have bounced off the screen, passed from either slit, passed from both slits or just went over the screen. These probabilities were represented by the wave. However, when an observation took place the wave collapsed into one material reality.
So, any physical event in this world of ours is the product of observation. As one of the founders of quantum theory, Erwin Schrödinger, describes in his famed thought experiment of a dead and alive cat. According to him, every possible outcome of an event exists as a combinative wave form before this wave collapses into a material manifestation upon observation. The type of manifestation depends upon its probability and the point in the space-time continuum at which the observation is made.
observeSchrödinger’s contemporary, Eugene Wigner, further proposed that the things we perceive are dependent upon consciousness more than mere observation. So, consciousness is a prerequisite of observing reality. However, this entails that to verify our own existence there needs to be an observer. Thus an infinite chain of observers begins that terminates into the ethereal observance of God. That is, someone had to be there for the universe to manifest itself. This is the Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics.
However, despite the seeming veracity of the above approach in the proclamation of the existence of a theistic deity, there are some theories within the world of quantum mechanics that still reject the concept of God’s existence.
The Participatory Anthropic Principle negates the dependence of the universe’s existence on God by adopting the approach that the human consciousness is enough to create an event. So, in effect, the universe might have been created when the first human being (or alien) observed it. Effectively, leading to a collapse in its superimposed state.
omnipresemtAnother negatory theory revolves around the Abrahamic interpretation of God. In each of the three main Abrahamic religions of the world, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, God is defined as an omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent entity.
So, in effect God is observing everything. Consequently, this would mean that all events are predefined, or precollapsed in quantum parlance. That we are only observing what God has manifested. However, this wouldn’t explain the duality observed in the double-slit experiment. If God is observing everything, shouldn’t the electron just behave as a material thing all the time?
Whatever theory you subscribe to, quantum mechanics has been successful in bringing God from the fringes of science, to its core.
In effect, it’s existence might just have been proved.
Team Spirit!